Why (Treated) Tap Water is the
Solution ?

Tap water is the highest rung on the access to water ladder, because it is...
...convenient and
...a proven solution
with 3.5+ billion people
using tap water globally

Talking in SDGs
(Sustainable Development Goals)
much more than
Tap water is

Goal 6: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all
Target 6.1 By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all.
Indicator 6.1.1 Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services.
It's also...

Targets 3.2. & 3.3
Clean tap water strongly supports ending water borne diseases. Diarrhea is still the second largest killer of children under 5 in Cambodia

Targets 2.2
Good absorption of nutrients from food requires that people do not have diarrhea – strongly supported from access to clean water.

Target 1.2.
Clean water
better abilities
to learn and work.

Target 5.4.
Infrastructure to reduce time spent on domestic and unpaid work: tap water will greatly improve their lifestyle as a result of removing the burden of water collection off their shoulders

Target 10.1
Income growth of the bottom 40%: TapEffect builds infrastructure in rural/semi-rural locations increasing affordable access to water for those generally towards the bottom of the pyramid.

Target 13.1.
Piped water systems can respond quickly after a climate change related disaster (floods/draughts), to ensure safe water supply.

Targets 4.1, 4.2 & 4.5.
Being healthy means more time for education and better retention of knowledge. Tap water at schools makes a more comfortable environment for girls during menstruation periods, helping girls to not miss school.

Target 9.1.
Reliable and resilient infrastructure with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all

Target 17.16.
Our blended finance approach will involve multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilise and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources
Technical support that keeps rural systems operating

Increased revenue to support operations and maintenance
Real-time control of water quality/safety & remote technical support
Innovation stream to bring in new solutions
Blended finance approach
Sales process to increase connection rate
Remote monitoring system and technical support teams
Electronic billing and payment system of monthly water bills
Financial and impact innovation to leverage different funding stakeholders
Our Theory of Change
Impact Outputs

Increased community resilience to climate change impacts
WASH in healthcare facilities

Less deaths

WASH in schools

Better education, less sick days

Household clean drinking water
Household improved hygiene practices

Sanitation with convenient access to water from home

Better access for people with disabilities

Less time spent on water collection

Better health

Better nutrition retention
(Our Mission)

Sustainable Piped Water
Improved operations and sustainability of rural piped water systems
Prosperous Rural Communities

What Research Says about Tap Water ?
Reflecting on our Impacts
As a social enterprise, we are committed to carefully measure, from 2020, the impacts of our solution on the communities that we serve. This phase of assessment is pivotal to optimise the benefits and allow for incremental improvements.

Which Indicators for Measuring Efficacy
* Number of connected customers in the coverage area (households, HCFs/birthing centers, schools, total & per project, IRIS Standards)
* Number of connected “IDPoor” households in the coverage area (total, per Cambodia project)
* Connection rate in the coverage area (%, out of the target number of customers, total & per project)
* Number of new connections in the coverage area (among the total beneficiaries, total & per project, during the reporting period)
* Type of new products or service warranty (e.g. hotline, trainings, total & per project, during the reporting period)
* Number of service suspension processes (among the total beneficiaries, total & per project)
* Number of outreached students through schools’ connection
* Average water consumption / payment per households (during the reporting period)
* Number of water quality tests done (per project, during the reporting period)
* Proportion of satisfied customers, assessed through household surveys (%, total & per project, periodically)
* Number of customer complaints (among the total beneficiaries, total & per project)
* Percent of female full-time employee
* Percent of youth full-time employee
* Number of water-born illnesses reported at the HCF (total & per project)
* Number of children stunting cases report at the HCF (IRIS Standards)
* Percent savings on water-related expenditures, per client household (%, per project, during the reporting period)
* Client spending in health (USD, per project, IRIS Standards)
* Days of school missed per month (during the reporting period)
* Time allocated to homework (during the reporting period)
* Number of households, schools and HCFs with a pond that ever dried up (during the reporting period)
* Time saved due to the new solution (hours per week, per project, during the reporting period)
* Student to Toilet Ratio (per project, during the reporting period, IRIS Standards)
Harder to monitor:

Harder to monitor:
and Efficiency
* Organization expenses (total & per project)
* Percent of investment by type (total & per project)
* Organisation revenue growth (%) (Percentage of additional revenue generated during the reporting period)
* Percentage of additional revenue generated during the reporting period
* O&M costs (USD, monthly or periodically)
* System costs (USD)
* Non-revenue water (%)
* For impact loans: ability to raise follow-on capital
* For impact loans: amount of $ unlocked
* Total full-time employees (during the reporting period)